
Monday, September 10, 2012

Full Term

My Dear Aubrey,

You have been nine months old for a few days; if I were pregnant we would be considered full term right about now.
That's me about a year ago.
Let's see what this last month brought us, shall we?
You crawled not too long after you turned eight months and you have become a pro at getting to where you want to go.
You can also pull yourself up. Your papa and I almost missed the first time it happened because one minute you were playing with your toys while we were looking up things to do in San Francisco and the next minute I felt something on my leg - YOU! You had the biggest smile on your face as we watched you pull your legs out from under your knees. 
You went on your first vacation to San Francisco. It took us about eight hours to get there. We drove in the middle of the night in hopes that you would did sleep some but not as much as I would have liked.
That was about four hours after we got there.
You got to meet your Great Grandmother and several cousins and great aunts and uncles.
You sat on a horse for the first time.
You went to work with Mama for a day. 
You jibber jabber non-stop.
You reach out to be picked up or held.
You have always been an active baby but I swear, last Wednesday someone just hit the switch on you because you are go-go-go all. Of. The. Time. Which is both to my delight and frustration (at times). It makes me a little bit sad because you are slightly less cuddly because you want to move and explore. 

I feel like there is so much more that I am missing. 

We have to schedule your nine month well baby visit so we will be able to get your stats then. It seems as though you have slowed down a bit on the growing despite you being sooooo freakin heavy to carry around.

My love for you has increased a million times over. Every time I look at you my heart bursts with happiness and on the same stroke aches a little bit because I can see the baby you slipping away. I want so much for you to grow up and learn and see and do things but at the same time I want you to stay this little forever. 

Which brings me to..................another baby. Ay. It seems I have been bitten with the bug.

Your papa and I love you so, so, so much Aubrey Rose. We often look at you doing whatever you are doing, crawling, pulling the dog's tails, playing, sleeping, anything and we look at each other and say, "she is so effing cute." You have brought a lot of happiness and added so much richness and depth to our lives. It's hard to remember what life was like before you. 

I want so much for you. The world. I want for you to know that whatever your heart desires (within reason) you can have. Sometimes I watch you as you are sleeping and I wonder what you will be like a day from now. A week. A month. A year. A decade. Of course I have my ideas of what I would like you to be but ultimately I just want for you to be happy. To know that happiness is not bought or given to you but that you create it. That life is what you make of it. Sometimes that is a hard concept to live up to but it is the truth. 

Know that I will do my best to love and nurture and teach and provide you. I will give you everything I have and then some. 


P.S. Let's start planning your first birthday, yes?!?

1 comment:

  1. So sweet:) They grow up tooooooo fast!

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